Information about Theological Schools and Universities
This webpage provides a listing of Theological Schools and Universities, which offer In-person or On-line courses that may be suitable for Diocesan Permanent Diaconate Formation and/or On-going Formation programs, taken either on their own or as part of certificate or degree program(s).
The purpose of this list is to offer a one stop source of information for dioceses throughout the United States and Canada about the many Theological Schools and Universities programs of study.
NADD does not attest to the suitability of these programs for Permanent Diaconate Formation or Post- Formation programs. Each Diocese is encouraged to contact the school in order to get further information in order to determine the suitability of the courses for their program.
The purpose of this list is to offer a one stop source of information for dioceses throughout the United States and Canada about the many Theological Schools and Universities programs of study.
NADD does not attest to the suitability of these programs for Permanent Diaconate Formation or Post- Formation programs. Each Diocese is encouraged to contact the school in order to get further information in order to determine the suitability of the courses for their program.
Christendom College- Notre Dame Graduate School
St. Martha's Hall
134 Christendom Drive
Front Royal, VA 22630, United States
Contact Person: Vladimir Rudenko
(703) 658-4304
[email protected]
Our program offers a robust core curriculum animated by Sacred Scripture, guided by the teaching of the Magisterium, and rich in the primary sources of our faith, including the Fathers and doctors of the Church. Our curriculum focuses especially on the teaching and theological method of St. Thomas Aquinas. We offer a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, featuring degree concentrations in Sacred Scripture, Systematic Theology, Moral Theology, Evangelization & Catechesis, Liturgy, Mariology, Spirituality, and Consecrated Life. A number of certificates in these areas of study are also available, as well as the Basic and Advanced Apostolic Catechetical Diploma, the Catholic Church's highest certificate in catechetics. Our residential summer institutes feature courses in liturgy, spirituality, and consecrated life. We promote the study of biblical and theological languages, especially Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Our program is both academically rigorous and accommodating.
St. Martha's Hall
134 Christendom Drive
Front Royal, VA 22630, United States
Contact Person: Vladimir Rudenko
(703) 658-4304
[email protected]
Our program offers a robust core curriculum animated by Sacred Scripture, guided by the teaching of the Magisterium, and rich in the primary sources of our faith, including the Fathers and doctors of the Church. Our curriculum focuses especially on the teaching and theological method of St. Thomas Aquinas. We offer a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, featuring degree concentrations in Sacred Scripture, Systematic Theology, Moral Theology, Evangelization & Catechesis, Liturgy, Mariology, Spirituality, and Consecrated Life. A number of certificates in these areas of study are also available, as well as the Basic and Advanced Apostolic Catechetical Diploma, the Catholic Church's highest certificate in catechetics. Our residential summer institutes feature courses in liturgy, spirituality, and consecrated life. We promote the study of biblical and theological languages, especially Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Our program is both academically rigorous and accommodating.
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Catechetical Institute
114 Brady Circle East
Steubenville, OH 43952, United States
Contact Person: Dr. Bill Keimig
(740) 283-6700
[email protected]
The approach being implemented by Franciscan University's Catechetical Institute (CI) is a developed, pragmatic, spirituality-centered theology of the diaconate in continuity with the tradition. The development team engaged by CI aims at blending academic rigor with spiritual depth, integrating Franciscan’s renowned theology, catechetics, philosophy, and counseling expertise with many field experts, all grounded in fidelity to Catholic teaching, and adapted to the specialized needs of diaconal training. The formation approach from Franciscan University respects the principle of subsidiarity and enables dioceses to pay for only what they use. These offering are created as a blended learning approach that seeks to supplement and not supplant the local diocesan learning community so necessary for formation.
The content available from Franciscan allows field-level workshops and BA-level and/or MA-level courses to be taken at any time during the year, enabling greater integration into existing formation programs using different delivery approaches. This rich array of options, mapped onto the four dimensions of clerical formation, is provided to diocesan diaconal directors in the manner of a smorgasbord: the diocese selects what content is needed from our offerings, when it is applied in the diocese’s curriculum, and at what level or depth a given topic is needed by that diocese’s candidates.
All levels of formation offered are attuned specifically toward the diaconate, rather than a generic version of such content. In other words, the entire collection of offerings is configured to the diaconate rather than configuring the diaconate to a standard curriculum. Spanish translations and subtitling are in view as well. The entire collection is designed to be affordable, with flexible, scalable pricing, often benefiting from existing financial arrangements in the 60% of U.S. dioceses with which Franciscan’s Catechetical Institute is already partnered.
Catechetical Institute
114 Brady Circle East
Steubenville, OH 43952, United States
Contact Person: Dr. Bill Keimig
(740) 283-6700
[email protected]
The approach being implemented by Franciscan University's Catechetical Institute (CI) is a developed, pragmatic, spirituality-centered theology of the diaconate in continuity with the tradition. The development team engaged by CI aims at blending academic rigor with spiritual depth, integrating Franciscan’s renowned theology, catechetics, philosophy, and counseling expertise with many field experts, all grounded in fidelity to Catholic teaching, and adapted to the specialized needs of diaconal training. The formation approach from Franciscan University respects the principle of subsidiarity and enables dioceses to pay for only what they use. These offering are created as a blended learning approach that seeks to supplement and not supplant the local diocesan learning community so necessary for formation.
The content available from Franciscan allows field-level workshops and BA-level and/or MA-level courses to be taken at any time during the year, enabling greater integration into existing formation programs using different delivery approaches. This rich array of options, mapped onto the four dimensions of clerical formation, is provided to diocesan diaconal directors in the manner of a smorgasbord: the diocese selects what content is needed from our offerings, when it is applied in the diocese’s curriculum, and at what level or depth a given topic is needed by that diocese’s candidates.
All levels of formation offered are attuned specifically toward the diaconate, rather than a generic version of such content. In other words, the entire collection of offerings is configured to the diaconate rather than configuring the diaconate to a standard curriculum. Spanish translations and subtitling are in view as well. The entire collection is designed to be affordable, with flexible, scalable pricing, often benefiting from existing financial arrangements in the 60% of U.S. dioceses with which Franciscan’s Catechetical Institute is already partnered.
Josephinum Diaconate Institute- Pontifical College Josephinum
7625 North High Street Columbus, Ohio 43235, United States Contact Person: Deacon Matt Coriale (614) 985-2243 [email protected] The Josephinum Diaconate Institute offers accredited pre-ordination formation online and post-ordination programming. We also offer an option for a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and the Higher Learning Commission. |
Saint Joseph College Online Theology
278 Whites Bridge Rd. Standish, ME 04084 Contact Person: Anne Chrzan (207) 892-6766 [email protected] We offer courses 100% online Bachelor Degree in Theological Studies Masters Degree in Sacred Theology with Specialization in Advanced Diaconal Studies Masters Degree in Sacred Theology with Specialization in Pastoral Theology Masters in Divinity Degree Advanced Standing (72 credits) Masters in Divinity Degree (90 credits) |
Saint Leo University
Theology Department
Saint Leo, FL 33574, United States
Contact Person: Randall Woodard
(352) 588-8239
[email protected]
Faithfully Catholic and academically rigorous programs.
We offer our accredited BA, MA, and ThD in theology completely online.
Our MA program in theology is offered in person for diocesan cohorts to support diaconate formation at your location.
Theology Department
Saint Leo, FL 33574, United States
Contact Person: Randall Woodard
(352) 588-8239
[email protected]
Faithfully Catholic and academically rigorous programs.
We offer our accredited BA, MA, and ThD in theology completely online.
Our MA program in theology is offered in person for diocesan cohorts to support diaconate formation at your location.
Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
201 Hill Drive
Saint Meinrad, IN 47577, United States
Contact Person: Deacon Ron Pirau
(821) 357-6378
[email protected]
Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, Permanent Deacon Formation Program, has been providing formation for deacon aspirants and candidates since 1999. Formation is provided in English and Spanish languages, and can be delivered onsite at diocesan locations, by remote learning through online coursework, or a combination of onsite and online. Please contact us for specific needs of your diocese.
201 Hill Drive
Saint Meinrad, IN 47577, United States
Contact Person: Deacon Ron Pirau
(821) 357-6378
[email protected]
Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, Permanent Deacon Formation Program, has been providing formation for deacon aspirants and candidates since 1999. Formation is provided in English and Spanish languages, and can be delivered onsite at diocesan locations, by remote learning through online coursework, or a combination of onsite and online. Please contact us for specific needs of your diocese.
St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry
120 French Rd.
Rochester, NY 14618
Contact Person: Matthew Kuhner
(585) 271-3657
[email protected]
120 French Rd.
Rochester, NY 14618
Contact Person: Matthew Kuhner
(585) 271-3657
[email protected]
University of Dayton/Virtual Learning Community
for Faith Formation
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469-0328, United States
Contact Person: Richard Drabik
(937) 229-3874
[email protected]
The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) is an Internet distance-learning program to support catechist and adult faith formation in the Church. Support for deacon formation is a core component of our mission.
The VLCFF is sponsored by the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives (IPI) of the University of Dayton - a Catholic Marianist Institution. Our mission is to mobilize the resources of the University of Dayton for partnerships with the Church that create and implement innovative pastoral initiatives designed to meet the needs of the Church and to articulate faith within the context of contemporary culture.
for Faith Formation
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469-0328, United States
Contact Person: Richard Drabik
(937) 229-3874
[email protected]
The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) is an Internet distance-learning program to support catechist and adult faith formation in the Church. Support for deacon formation is a core component of our mission.
The VLCFF is sponsored by the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives (IPI) of the University of Dayton - a Catholic Marianist Institution. Our mission is to mobilize the resources of the University of Dayton for partnerships with the Church that create and implement innovative pastoral initiatives designed to meet the needs of the Church and to articulate faith within the context of contemporary culture.
University of Notre Dame/ McGrath Institute for Church Life
348 Geddes Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556, United States
Contact Person: Kelly Culver, Program Director
(866) 425-7837
[email protected]
The McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame Permanent Deacon Formation Program engages candidates in the study of theology as preparation for the ministry of the permanent deacon and for personal growth and intellectual development. We provide high quality theological instruction to meet diocesan needs for academic, theological education in an accessible and cost effective way, in both English and Spanish.
In collaboration with a diocese, a multi-year curriculum is designed to form aspirants and candidates in theological knowledge of the practices, beliefs, and teachings of the Catholic Church. Flexibility of courses and schedule of classes meet the particular needs of each diocese. All courses are taught by qualified instructors. Interaction between instructors and candidates ensures that the candidates are fully engaged in their theological education. Formation staff can observe all coursework.
University of Saint Mary of the Lake
School of Parish Leadership and Evangelization
1000 East Maple Avenue
Munundelein, Illinois 60060, United States
Contact Person: Daniel Enrique Ramirez-Florez
(847) 837-4559
[email protected]
Our program is developed in both English and Spanish. To learn more information about the English part, you can contact Deacon Robert Puhala at 847-837-4564 or by writing to [email protected] and for the Spanish part, through the telephone number 847-837 -4559 or by writing to the email address [email protected]
School of Parish Leadership and Evangelization
1000 East Maple Avenue
Munundelein, Illinois 60060, United States
Contact Person: Daniel Enrique Ramirez-Florez
(847) 837-4559
[email protected]
Our program is developed in both English and Spanish. To learn more information about the English part, you can contact Deacon Robert Puhala at 847-837-4564 or by writing to [email protected] and for the Spanish part, through the telephone number 847-837 -4559 or by writing to the email address [email protected]
National Association of Diaconate Directors
204 37th Ave. N #309
St. Petersburg, FL 33704
Phone: (404) 274-9896
[email protected]
204 37th Ave. N #309
St. Petersburg, FL 33704
Phone: (404) 274-9896
[email protected]